"Abortion neutral" health care, please
The following is a news release from the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) dated July 30, 2009 regarding the health care reform bill that is now before Congress. Please pray and fast that the introduced bill - which is pro-abortion as Cardinal Rigali makes clear in his letter - does not pass.
Cardinal Rigali Urges House Committee to Support Pro-Life Amendments to Health Care Reform Bill
WASHINGTON— Cardinal Justin Rigali, Chairman of the U.S. Catholic bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, wrote on July 29 to the members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee urging them to amend “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act” (H.R. 3200) to retain longstanding government policies on abortion and conscience rights.
Cardinal Rigali reiterated criteria for “genuine health care reform” set forth by Bishop William Murphy, Chairman of the bishops’ Committee on Domestic Policy, in his letter to Congress on July 17. He described health care as “a basic right belonging to all human beings, from conception to natural death” and said that “the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is working to ensure that needed health reform is not undermined by abandoning longstanding and widely supported policies against abortion funding and mandates and in favor of conscience protection.”
The Cardinal enumerated several problems with the bill as introduced: It would be used to mandate abortion coverage in private health plans, expand abortion funding, override state laws that limit or regulate abortion, and endanger existing laws protecting the conscience rights of health care providers.
“Much-needed reform must not become a vehicle for promoting an ‘abortion rights’ agenda or reversing longstanding current policies against federal abortion mandates and funding,” he wrote. “In this sense we urge you to make this legislation ‘abortion neutral’ by preserving longstanding federal policies that prevent government promotion of abortion and respect conscience rights.”
“Several federal laws have long protected the conscience rights of health care providers,” Cardinal Rigali added. “President Obama recently stated that he accepts these current laws and will do nothing to weaken them. Congress should make the same pledge, by ensuring that this legislation will maintain protection for conscience rights.”
The Cardinal closed by urging the House Energy and Commerce Committee to support amendments by Reps. Bart Stupak (D-MI) and Joseph Pitts (R-PA) to address these problems in H.R. 3200. The full text of his letter is available at: www.usccb.org/prolife/CardRigali-AbortionNeutralReform-7-29-09.pdf.
Keywords: Cardinal Rigali, USCCB, U.S. Bishops, pro-life, health care, health care reform, abortion, abortion funding, abortion neutral, conscience rights, conscience protection
For more information on the USCCB position on Health Care Reform, visit www.usccb.org/prolife/issues/healthcare and www.usccb.org/sdwp/national/health1.shtml.
Call me crazy, but isn’t health care supposed to help the body to do something it’s supposed to do but is having trouble with? Abortion does the exact opposite. Abortion stops the body from doing what it’s supposed to be doing. It kills a child and harms a mother- the reverse of a health care.
How can abortion be considered “health care” for women? For the care of whose health is abortion directed? Pro-abortionists have always called abortion health care. Planned Parenthood defines its business as providing "reproductive health care” and abortion is their main business. But there is no disease that abortion cures. Regardless of what one’s moral opinion is on abortion, no one should call it “health care.”
I wonder about the morality of paying ones taxes when ones taxes go toward paying for abortion.
Unrelated to the post, although it is about a real healthcare condition...
I feel like I’ve been losing my mind lately. I’ve been going through these episodes of being rather ill. At first, I was diagnosed with a anxiety disorder (an assessment with which I disagreed, but went along w/the docs, figuring they knew best) Those medications really put me into bad state. Later, I was diagnosed with a mood disorder and those meds made me even sicker. I finally got online to do my own research and came up with an idea. I got tested to find out all my issues stemmed from being hypoglycemic- a big relief! Diet has helped and when I’m feeling really badly, I get to eat candy- not too bad! The next step is diagnostic. Since I’m not diabetic, some of the potential causes for this state are rather troublesome and really scary. Please say a prayer for me that this state is what is rare- a predisposed genetic condition. The alternatives to this will require some invasive procedures requiring hospitalization, which really freaks me out. Please pray for me in the coming week that this is not anything bad.
came accross an electronic petition @ www.FightFOCA.com organized by Americans United for Life (AUL)
Chicago | 310 S. Peoria Street, Ste. 500 | Chicago, IL 60607
Washington DC | 1413 K Street, Ste. 1000 | Washington, DC 20005
To Anonymous 2:10 AM who feels they are going crazy:
This "feeling like I'm going insane" sensation is very familiar to persons who have out-of-control addicts, alcoholics, or mentally disturbed individuals in their lives. A spouse or parent or other close family member whose mental or emotional illness or substance issue is not presently being well-managed is too much for most people to handle, and they can literally feel as if they themselves are going right out of their minds, often without realizing exactly what it is that is bothering them.
Won't you consider visiting a meeting of Al-Anon (Alcoholics Anonymous Family Groups)? You are eligible for membership if you are bothered by someone else's drinking or use of substances, as well as unmanaged mental or emotional illness. You would be amazed at how helpful this self-help program can be.
Good luck, and may God bless you!
Thanks Marion- I currently attend AA. My issue is more with all these people in the mental health industry wanting to shove a pill down my throat under the presumtion that I should have no ups or downs. Minse are typically mild- I'd even venture to say normal. To find out, after all these monthe, that what they've been treating me for has turned out to be something physical (which they haven;t treated me for) has been more than a little frustrating. My point- go with you instincts regardless of who in their own highly self-esteemed position are telling you otherwise.
Btw- tomorrow id "D-day" with my tests, and I'm kind of nervous about results.
Funny thing-
I took my son and some of his friends to Skins training camp today. They wanted to be sure to get some signatures and made a big sig that read, "My priest is a huge fan." Many spectators were taking pictures of them along with some press people- so keep you eyes open to see if their pic shows up. At the end of practice, Marcus Washington came up to them and signed something directed to Fr. Greg, and b/c they were such nice boys to think of him, he signed a bunch of hats for my kids. It was great!
12:51 PM anon:
Although I can understand your incredible sense of frustration with your health issues being mis-diagnosed, please understand that the medical field is an art and a science, and in today’s world, is frequently controlled by the insurance industry.
The human body does frequently present with signs and symptoms that are atypical to a classical diagnosis; i.e., the symptoms and feelings you verbalized may not have been classical for hypoglycemia. Sure, your doctor could have ordered a ton of tests in search of “the problem”, but, he or she may not have been reimbursed for the charges – meaning – you’d have to pay, out of pocket. Most patients do not want to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars for diagnostic tests that may or may not pin point the problem; furthermore, insurance companies can and do drop providers if they feel the physician is ordering tests that are not appropriate for the given signs & symptoms. If your provider did not participate in your insurance plan, I can pretty much guarantee that you’d find another physician.
What I am trying to say is to be gentle with any judgment on the care you've recently received. Unless you’ve worked extensively in the medical field, you may not understand the whole picture. The medical field is extremely complicated. Physicians work with individuals that are each unique in their psychological make-up and they work within a human body that does not always follow the book in terms of anatomy and physiology. Most physicians and health care providers do what they feel is in the best interest of their patient. Granted, there are “good, not so good, and bad” health care providers but, I do not know of any profession where this is not the case. Every conscientious physician I have ever worked for and with, and there have been numerous over the 20+ years, spends many hours talking to co-workers, reading journals, looking up case presentations, missing dinners at home with their family, in an effort to help their patients. Add on top of that a call schedule, that is 24 hours or longer in duration, and can be relentless, and perhaps you’ll understand that physicians are human beings, just like the rest of us. Please be cautious in your choice of words and with inferring blame.
To the anon of 2:03-
In addition to the misdiagnosis of the hypoglycemia (a test for which my insurance did cover), my main issue with doctors in ANY medical field who diagnose and further prescribe medications w/o a full battery of tests- most of which ARE covered.
I had ongoing symptoms that were quite severe and my (then) doctor had me convinced I had some kind of severe emotional and/or mood disorder. The fact of teh matter was that I had a blod clot in my lunc that could very esily have killed me. Every doctor, from the ER to the specialists I saw while I stayed in the hospital all agreed it was totally unprofessional and bordered on malpractice, but (unfortunately) is also common place.
I'm lucky all was caught in a timely matter, but the medications which I had been prescrobed did more harm to my body than good. It's a good think for that doctor that I am not a vengeful person. We will, however, be having a heart-to-heart talk in the weels to come.
Doctors need to take more time regardless of what it means to their financial bottom line.
covering medical prodecures that are morally unaaceptable is one part of the healthcare problem, albeit a large one. However, there are so many other problems. My son has finally decided what area of law in which he will choose to specialize. It will mean working on class action lawsuits, but while he's interning and new, he'll need to work for the "big players." His general plan is to set up a non-profit that specializes in representing the people who oppose big medicaine and large coporations. I couldn't be prouder!
funny side note- the word verification here is "curit"
One last thing the I'll stop venting- but all the confusion with meds have really messed up my breathing and my sleeping. It's really frustrating- hence the late night postings.
10:05 pm anon:
It sounds like you did the right thing when you referred to your physician (at the time of your mis-diagnosed problem) in the past tense. As I mentioned, there are “good, not so good, and bad” health care providers. It sounds as if you may have chosen a health care provider that fell into the "bad" category. As a health care provider, and a patient as well, I'm sorry you had this experience.
As for - "Every doctor, from the ER to the specialists I saw while I stayed in the hospital all agreed it was totally unprofessional and bordered on malpractice, but (unfortunately) is also common place" - I find this statement a little harsh and difficult to swallow. Although I sense incredible frustration, and rightfully so, "all" and "common place" are hefty words to use. Most professionals, from doctors on down, are very careful to implicate malpractice and that it is "common place" in their profession. People with bad experiences tend to be very vocal, and they should – that is how the system improves and weeds out dangerous providers; however, for each rotten experience, there is an equally positive experience, often with life saving results. Life saving results happen because of the MANY EXCELLENT housekeepers, physicians, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, nurses, etc. that are professional and go the extra mile when taking care of their patients.
Without clinical records from all previous doctor's appointments in front of them; i.e., lab results, clinical presentation, vital signs, physician's notes, x-rays, invasive studies, psychiatry notes, etc., a health care provider is really going out on a limb by stating "… it was totally unprofessional and bordered on malpractice, but (unfortunately) is also common place."
I ask that you pray for any health care provider that falls into the "not so good or bad" category. We too are human. As you know, our decisions can mean life or death, literally. I truly believe most physicians and health care providers do what they do, day after day, because they love helping people. Pray for us. We pray for you and for the knowledge to make correct, sound decisions, every moment we are at work.
im sorry for you to have to had gone through so much anquish and i am soooo glad your condition was caught in time. ask your dr. if melatonin would be acceptable for you to use; they sell it drops form @ kensington pharmacy.
i feel bad for drs these days with all of the demands of poc procedures and demands of insurance companys. i wish they could go back and focus on what they took the oath for....Lives; which now we could be hitting on the most pertinant subject...Lives; why are drs performing abortions.
an alert from FightFOCA.com:
As members of Congress begin their recess, President Obama has made it clear that the first issue they’ll take up when they come back in September will be health care reform.
We’ve created a new Web site featuring our legal team’s expert analysis on the health care reform plans currently in the House and Senate. There’s also a petition so that you can add your voice to the thousands urging the President to keep abortion out of health care. Please sign it and tell your friends, so we can show the Obama Administration that real health care respects life.
from anon of 4:25
"...Lives; why are drs performing abortions."
from the anon of 7:40
"an alert from FightFOCA.com:
As members of Congress begin their recess, President Obama has made it clear that the first issue they’ll take up when they come back in September will be health care reform."
If FOCA passes, it won't any longer be a question we will need to ask, will it?
IF this is truly a democratic society abortion can be kept out of our health care plan and instead start focusing on reaching out with positive alternatives (like tax dollars going twds Gabriel House, St. Annes Orphanage, ect) because i cannot believe the majority of americans deem abortion as an appropriate alternative.
The State of MD deems a pregnant women eligible for the cash assistance program (avail only to parents with children under 18 and/or in the womb even at one day) yet turns around and considers a fetus is not eligable to right to life. evil :( (sad face). Let's fight this once and for all. We've got God on our side. Let us do this in rememberence of our dear Innocents. May this pay hommage to our most Holy Mother and by Gods Grace we bring back our family values as God intended. (i sound a little emotional - dont i :)).
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