Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday's Gospel

Gospel - Lk 8:19-21

The mother of Jesus and his brothers came to him
but were unable to join him because of the crowd.
He was told, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside
and they wish to see you.”
He said to them in reply,
“My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.”


At 3:34 PM, Blogger Christine said...

Hey Father Greg!

I have a question for you: what do you think about this article:


Ritus Narcissus:
Why Do We Sing Ourselves and Celebrate Ourselves?
by Father Paul Scalia

It's about how some of the songs we sing at mass are words that only God should be using, but yet we use them in song. Fr. Scalia argues that this is a departure from traditional hymns and is more about comtemporary secular values of a way of "glorifying ourselves" at mass. He also argues that by singing these songs, we lose the understanding of the communication between us and God when we say all the parts ourselves.

I still like the songs, but is this alright? Are we losing something by singing these songs? Are we forgetting about listening to God's responses? I would like to know what you think, as well as the other bloggers. Thanks!

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Fr Greg! I'm a first time blogger on your site, haha! You wrote not too long ago about how to split up the percentage you give to the church and to charities. I would search for it, but would take forever! Could you please mention it again?! Thank you!

At 10:26 PM, Blogger fran said...

Welcome! The blog post you are referencing can be found in the May 2007 archives, May 30th, to be exact. The title of the post is "God Will Provide."

At 7:43 AM, Blogger fran said...

Hi Christine,
I spent some time reading the "Adoremus - Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy" website. While I can't say whether or not it is right to sing the contemporary songs, as we do at Mass, some very interesting points are made.
There are aspects of the liturgy I, too, would like to see renewed at Mass. Particularly, a return to receiving the Eucharist, kneeling, at an altar rail. My own personal thought.


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