Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"Her ineffable beauty"

Today, the Church celebrates a memorial of the Blessed Mother (Presentation of Mary by her parents in the temple). Here is the "Meditation of the Day" written by Fr. Jacob of Serug (9th cent. A.D.) from Magnificat, a Catholic monthly publication:

"From her childhood, Mary stood firm in unblemished uprightness; she walked in the way without offenses. Her original nature was preserved with a will for good things because there were always tokens of virginity in her body and holy things in her soul. This deed which took place in her gave me power to speak these things concerning her ineffable beauty. Because she became Mother of the Son of God, I saw and firmly believed that she is the only woman in the world who is entirely pure.

From when she knew to distinguish good from evil, she stood firm in purity of heart and in integrity of thoughts. She did not turn aside from the justice which is in the Law, and neither carnal nor bodily desire distubed her. From her childhood, impulses of holiness stirred within her, and in her excellence, she increaed them with great care. The Lord was always set before her eyes; on him she was gazing, so that she mght be enlightened by him, and delighted in him.

Because he saw how pure she was and limpid her soul, he wanted to dwell in her since she was free from evils. Since a woman like her had never been seen, an amazing work was done in her which is the greatest of all. A daughter of men was sought among women; she was chosen who was the fairest of all. The holy Father wanted to make a mother for his Son, but he did not allow that she be his mother because of his choice.

Maiden, full of beauty hidden in her and around her, and pure of heart that she might see the mysteries which had come to pass in her. This is beauty, when one is beautiful of one's own accord; glorious graces of perfection are in her will. However great be the beauty of something from God, it is not acclaimed if freedom is not present. The sun is beautiful but it is not praised by spectators, because it is known that its will does not give it light.

Whoever is beautiful of his own accord and possesses beauty, on this account he is truly acclaimed if he is beautiful. Even God loves beauty which is from the will; he praises a good will whenever this has pleased him. Now this Virgin whom, behold, we speak of her story by means of her good will, she was plasing and was chosen. He was descending to become man by the daghter of man; because she was pleasing, she was chosen that he might be from her".


At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post is just beautiful.

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ECUMENICAL SERVICE – St. Francis of Assisi is hosting the Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service for churches in the Derwood area on Wednesday, November 22nd, 7:30 p.m.Members of the Redland Baptist, Mill Creek Methodist and St. Luke’s Lutheran Churches will be participating in the Service.Please plan to attend and bring your family.A reception will follow.

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The above is going to be so cool. I understand the pastor from the Lutheran church is a woman! That will be very interesting.

I have never heard non-catholic clergy give a talk before. Looking forward to it.

At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also can't wait to attend the ecumenical service at St. Francis. I hope that my in-laws from St. Luke's will attend. My hub grew up attending St. Luke's in Derwood and converted many years ago. I have never been to an ecumenical service, especially one right in my own backyard.

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FG- Thanks for a beautiful post about Mary. 10 years ago a newly ordained priest in the DC Archdiocese shared with me how he began his journey toward his vocation.

This might help all of us who suffer from "earthly Father," issues. To make it short, this new priest shared that he had a hard, distant father. He said this made it seem impossible for him to see God as a loving Father and not distant, all punishing. Then he visited one of the sites where Mary has appeared and began to grow closer to Mary.
He had a very loving mother so he felt he could reach out to Mary, the mother of God. Through devotions and intercessory prayers to Mary, he was led to a tremendous healing with God, the Father Almighty. Too many details for here, but he is an excellent local priest. He does not look like he has aged in 10 years :). Thank you, Mary Mother of God, for your POWERFUL intercessions.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Then he visited one of the sites where Mary has appeared and began to grow closer to Mary."

I believe that Mary's intercession is great for all healing. It is so sad that non-Catholic churches have not given Mary the value, love, adoration, etc. she deserves. What would we do without our mother?

"He does not look like he has aged in 10 years :)"

What peace he must have not to have aged in 10 years! Instead of going to the beauty aisle, plastic surgeons etc. we should all pray to Mary and gain that sense of peace and look young at the same time!

At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Then he visited one of the sites where Mary has appeared and began to grow closer to Mary."

I believe that Mary's intercession is great for all healing. It is so sad that non-Catholic churches have not given Mary the value, love, adoration, etc. she deserves. What would we do without our mother?

"He does not look like he has aged in 10 years :)"

What peace he must have not to have aged in 10 years! Instead of going to the beauty aisle, plastic surgeons etc. we should all pray to Mary and gain that sense of peace and look young at the same time!

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Then he visited one of the sites where Mary has appeared and began to grow closer to Mary."

I believe that Mary's intercession is great for all healing. It is so sad that non-Catholic churches have not given Mary the value, love, adoration, etc. she deserves. What would we do without our mother?

"He does not look like he has aged in 10 years :)"

What peace he must have not to have aged in 10 years! Instead of going to the beauty aisle, plastic surgeons etc. we should all pray to Mary and gain that sense of peace and look young at the same time!

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Then he visited one of the sites where Mary has appeared and began to grow closer to Mary."

I believe that Mary's intercession is great for all healing. It is so sad that non-Catholic churches have not given Mary the value, love, adoration, etc. she deserves. What would we do without our mother?

"He does not look like he has aged in 10 years :)"

What peace he must have not to have aged in 10 years! Instead of going to the beauty aisle, plastic surgeons etc. we should all pray to Mary and gain that sense of peace and look young at the same time!

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops! The computer seems to be hyperactive today.

At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


A friend of mine went with her husband to a Lutheran service and told me she was bored out of her mind and said "never again!" Have you been to a service at St. Luke's? I used to be interested once upon a time to visit all different types of churches and temples but for some reason I don't anymore. Go figure.

At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


When my husband and I were engaged, I did attend Lutheran services. I attended as a guest in order to spend some holidays with my in-laws to be......At the time, their Pastor was an extremely humble, holy man. He came and blessed our first home. Back to the service, trying not to sound judgemental, but aren't all Protestant services comprised of a teaching, scripture and worship? To me, I have always felt like I was at a nice prayer meeting when I have had the chance to attend Protestant services. How can it possibly compare to the Mass and receiving the real body and blood of Christ?
How can it compare to worshipping in the church founded by Jesus Christ?
My husband was profoundly touched by attending Mass with me. He went through the RCIA and became a Catholic. We were married just a couple of years out of college.
I told him that I wanted to marry a practicing Catholic and he answered I want to be one! Christ has been the center of our marriage! As for the in laws, they are wonderful people but have all kinds of "issues," with the Catholic Church. Oh well!

Tonight should be interesting, Markov!

At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I called and invited my mother and father in law to the service! They were shocked! They said our pastor is a woman and she is going to preach in a Catholic Church? I think they are coming because they simply can not believe it! You are right, tonight should be very interesting! Kelly

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I won't be able to make it to the ecunemincal service. My husband came home and said the roads were pretty bad and I don't want to chance it. I have a good friend who is a Orthdox Christian who also was looking forward to the service. I can't believe I missed talking to a female pastor!

Could you let me know what happened at the service? How did everything go with your in-laws?


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